Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve

I just had a flashback to Athens. I'm currently sitting in my house all alone. It's hardly ever empty (basically because Scott and I are pretty much always here at the same time). I'm listening to music, playing around in the kitchen, and waiting for a party to start. A party that I didn't plan or really know about, but I'm excited about. That used to happen all the time when I lived in Athens. I lived in a house with three other people. We never locked the door (the lock didn't work anyway and no one could find their keys). I'd always come home to find someone there, whether they actually lived there or not. We all worked at Borders. I usually worked in the mornings while everyone else worked at night. I'd get home around 5 and they'd be heading to work. There were a few times when someone would call from their shift and say, "We're having a party tonight at the house. So-and-So is coming over to help you pick up the keg and bring you some money." So, So-and-So would show up at the door and we'd be off gathering party supplies. I'd get dropped off later and have a few hours in the strangely empty house to listen to music, make some snacks, and wait for a party.

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