Friday, September 5, 2008


People really like us around here until this thing actually starts coming apart. Then, they just want us out of the way. We've had a pretty icy reception at the Conference Center all week. I don't know what the change was, but all of a sudden, they just seem to want us gone. So much so that they called my boss yesterday to ask when we would be done even though I gave them a schedule three weeks ago that said we'd be out by today (Friday). I was also at the Conference Center all day yesterday and talked to every person that works there and no one ever asked me...they just called my boss. It wasn't that I got in trouble (in any way, shape, or form), it was just incredibly annoying.

So, today, about ten of us are going up to just rip the thing apart. There are actually only three things left to do and we should be done by early afternoon. I'm so ready to be out of that place and not have to deal with these people anymore.

Tonight is also the big party of the year. It's a wedding where a gay man will be marrying his fourth wife. It's a tradition that started a while ago and it always turns out to be the most fun party of the year. Sorry I've been so lazy about posting lately, but we've just been so busy and I've been so tired! I'll get better about it...and then I'll be home and I'll have nothing to write about anymore!

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