Friday, September 5, 2008

There is a major communication gap in this festival and it completely messed me up this morning. As I walked over to breakfast at 8am, I got a phone call from one of the guys at the Conference Center. It went like this:

Him: I'm sorry to bother you so early, but I just got here and I'm a little concerned that no one is here yet.
Me: Confused pause
Him: You know you need to be completely cleared out of here by 11am, right?
Me: No, I didn't know that.
Him: Well, your boss knew.
Me: Well he didn't tell me.

So, I go to breakfast completely annoyed, scarf down a bagel, tell the guy who distributes the labor pool that I need a ton of people and run to the Gondola to head up the mountain. We were completely cleared out at 10:53am. The wonderfully helpful Tami and I carried 1500 pounds worth of sandbags up a staircase and into the booth where they get stored in about 20 minutes. It was an incredibly crazy few hours and I was so exhausted when we were done. This all could have been avoided with just a phone call from my boss or someone at the Conference Center, where I've been working all week, saying, "by the way, did you know you need to be out of here by 11am on Friday?" I'm not quite sure where the communication breakdown occurred, but it made my morning pretty hellish.

In other news, tonight is the biggest party of the film festival year so all of this will be forgotten very soon!

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