Monday, August 18, 2008

And we've already made them mad

It's always been kind of a sticky situation dealing with the town. There are obviously good and bad sides to this festival. The good is that we bring in a ton of money in the off-season of this town. The bad is that we pretty much take over and make things kind of difficult for a few months. I've been dealing with the Conference Center since I got here and, so far, have had a very good relationship with the girl that is the booker there. The whole staff has changed from last year so she's as new to this job as I am. She asked for a schedule of when we thought we'd be in the building and what we thought we'd be doing each day so I sent her my schedule on Friday with each day mapped out until September 5th. The Conference Center has a couple of events next week that I knew we'd need to work around so I kept next week pretty light so that we'd be pretty flexible. Well, all hell broke loose this afternoon when I had a meeting with a guy from the Telluride local access TV station, the film festival's lighting guy, and the TV station's sound guy. It was just a simple meeting so that we could all coordinate how to work around each other for benefit concert the TV station is throwing on Friday. Our lighting guy is going to do their lighting and they're going to install a stage that we'll have to break down the next day. We were all just talking about when the stage was going to go in since the lighting needs to be done before the stage and the TV guy called the Conference Center to ask them if they could hold off on building the stage until Friday morning. In the Conference Center's exact words, "How about I find out when my crew can work and not let the film festival dictate when they work?" What it all comes down to is this poor girl has very little crew to pull from and they're already going to have to work late Friday night so she doesn't want to bring them in early on Friday. You can also tell from talking to her that she's just really overwhelmed with all of the things going on in the next two weeks, but there's not a lot that can be done. I've done what I can to our schedule to make it as flexible as possible, but the film festival starts less than two weeks from today so if I have to get in there at midnight and work, I will. (Well, not really, but I'd like to)! She called me later and explained everything and we worked it out as best we could, but I have a feeling that this week is going to be more difficult than I had originally thought. I don't think we're going to get the undisturbed access I thought we were. I think I'm going to have to be fighting with her crew for ladders and space.


ScaughtFive said...

Just tell them they're tops no matter what. You know it works and it makes you tops too (but we already know that!).

heather said...

I'm so glad you have a blog!

Kris and Colby Phillips said...

Sounds fun Dana! A little like you other job too.

We miss you!


ScaughtFive said...

Ha! I'm at Cups using their computers to say hi to the prettiest girl I've ever known! I will not be stopped from pledging my constant adoration!