Friday, August 22, 2008

So far we're exactly on schedule. Today, we managed to use three girls to get this super heavy fiber optic artwork hung. They said it couldn't be done, but we did it...and, actually, it wasn't that bad.

After work, I went to a Mushroom Festival chef cookoff. There were four chefs and they all made a dish that featured locally picked mushrooms. The guy that won was the one amatuer of the bunch. He made a curry with lobster mushrooms. It was actually a really intersting dinner because the guy sitting next to me was one of the mushroom festival presenters. I told him I didn't like one of the dishes and he said, "Oh, that's because the whatever kind of mushroom it was completely overpowers the dish." I had no idea what he was talking about, but I took his word for it. I'll post pictures of the Mushroom Parade tomorrow. It's probably my favorite parade ever because it's basically just a bunch of people who dress up in funny costumes and wander down the street. It feels very Telluride.

Tomorrow, the seats move into the theatre so it's a very big day for me. It'll be fine, but I'd like to be very well rested so I'm going to bed. Just keep your fingers crossed that everyone that is supposed to show up acutally shows!